MV Media Kajabi Website and Sales Pages

MV Media Lab is the digital marketing agency that I co-created with my amazing cousin, Jeanne Louise. I wanted to create a minimal brand helps clients sell their business story. I wanted the brand identity to be sophisticated and professional, whilst also being welcoming and inspiring.


Kajabi Web Design and Sales Pages

We decided to build our website directly on Kajabi to be able to create sales funnels and pipelines with our courses in mind. Kajabi is an extemely powerful platform to host courses, so wee wanted to ensure our website was built with the power of a sales funnels. For the MV Media Lab website, I wanted to create a minimal brand that creates a balance between beautiful design and authentic marketing. I wanted to portray the brand as an industry leader and expert in the online marketing space.


Charlotte Woolf Website Design


Naturalia Organics Logo and Branding